Our first interview is with our President, Stephanie Anani, who is studying mechanical engineering.

How did you hear about your internship? "I heard about my internship at the Dundee City Council through an email sent by our lecturer to the whole class." What advice would you give to people looking for one? "I would say networking is the most important thing to do if you want an internship. There are loads of people applying to the same roles so knowing people is essential in increasing your chances of getting that position." How did you find the application process? "The application process is usually long and daunting because that is how people are filtered out from the process. The careers service is of great help and I would say if you have any psychometric tests, its a good idea to practice." What did you get out of undertaking an internship? "I got a better understanding of the industry and improved my technical and problem solving skills." Would you recommend others to do one? "Its so important to get this experience for two main reason. Firstly, it gives you a feel of whether you would like to work in that role or industry and secondly increases your chances of getting your ‘dream’ job as employers like experience."